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Being surrounded by the wonders of nature during my childhood years and being able to glorify them without interruption has shaped my

relationship and perception of the world. My practise explores existence and imagination in a poetic and philosophical manner. 

As a multidisciplinary artist and inhabitant of Earth, I am interested in the point where nature and culture intersect and in finding ways to push acceptable boundaries. Intuition and playfulness are vital in the creative process, as well as thought, action and emotion, where there is room for experimentation, observation and learning. 

Creating worlds with found, personal and everyday objects allows me to investigate reality and voyage fiction. By removing the usage of objects and cancelling function, the possibilities become endless and definition lies in the observers eyes. 

Combining objects and their histories in a new context, is a strategy to conceal differences and bring unity. With these new realities I intend to challenge sociopolitical, cultural norms and expose ideas of possession, ownership, authority and self-definition. 

This urge to fuse reality and fiction arises from a need to understand the world and cherish the uncertainty of our human condition. Through art I can reflect psychological and mental states in order to demolish issues of identity confusion, the desire to fulfil a vacuum of longings and isolation. In a heavily materialised world, implied in the mass media and realities of production, I am looking for the spiritual, unrestrained expression and truthful presence.

Bringing forward the child in me and experimenting in the laboratory of space and time, makes the work understanding and empathetic


I desire to see the self and everyone in wholeness, to let go of imposed restrictions and set us free. The goal is to reach universalism through curiosity, playfulness, creation, action and reaction.


I am asking for my work to be seen with an artless view, as it is a reality of its own. 

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